When you start thinking about getting a website for your business or for your personal use you might be worried about where to start. Here is a short guideline.
You need to do some homework before you approach a web developer or even if you are planning to do it yourself.

1. Visit your Competitors’ Site

Check your competitors’ websites to get some inspiration and ideas, and make your own list of things/functions you require, but do not copy them.

2. Gather Content

Start collecting the content. Getting the right content is the key to your successful presence on web. To attract the right visitors and keeping them engage depends on what’s on your website.

3. Do Not Ignore SEO

Many people think that SEO work should be done once the website is developed and published but the best approach is to consider it at early stage, writing the proper text and getting the right images will also engage google and other search engines and you will get better chance to appear in SERP (search engine results page) because google loves the websites with right content.

4. Attractive Color Scheme

When you start thinking about layout of your website, Choose your favourite colors and their combinations or contrast to select a basic color patterns and provide it to your designer to use them in best possible ways.

5. Decide CMS

Many people are not aware of CMS (content management system), it’s the back end of your website which is accessible only by (admin) you and provides some controls, for example if you need to tweak your website later or want to add more products or any other content you should be able to do it yourself without paying the web developer every time you need a small change.

Once you have done all the above, you are good to start the web development work. Contact a web developer to bring your ideas to reality.